James Lee

Mohit Gupta

MS CS Graduate Student | Full Stack Developer | Backend Developer

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About Me

I am graduate student with more than 4 years of experience and MS in Computer Science from Northeastern University with specialization in software engineering and web technologies. I consider myself full-stack developer but I tend to work more on the back-end.

In Summer 2017, I applied my technical expertise as VMware intern in building scalable search solution using Elasticsearch and Kafka for a performance monitoring tool

In Summer, Fall 2016, I worked as full stack developer at New York Life Insurance developing claims management application for Insurance and Finance Industry, working on the back-end and front-end, enabling the existence of features and application development using AWS.

I’m always interested in hearing from interesting folks, so feel free to contact me if you’d like to connect.

Work Experience

MTS Intern OneCloud Vmware (May 2017 - August 2017)

Implemented distributed, real-time universal search solution for an performance monitoring tool that empowers the ends users to explore multiple properties across different metadata objects

Cloud Software Engineer Intern New York Life Insurance (May 2016 - Dec 2016)

Developed comprehensive Web facing Life Insurance policy administration system using nodeJS, Angular 2 framework and AWS Services. Integrated and enhanced of claim management solution using AWS SWF, Step Functions Cognito, Lambda, DynamoDB and S3

Software Engineering Sr. Analyst Accenture (2011 - 2015)

Built pivotal modules in Java 6, Struts and handled production deployment activities for a web-facing reservation system and mobile apps gateway

Latest Projects

project name

Red-winged Blackbird Prediction Spark MLlib

Red-winged Blackbird Predictor built against an unlabeled eBird reference data set using Spark MLlib Random Forest Classification implementation on Apache Spark Hadoop YARN Cluster (AWS EMR).

Awarded First Place for Best Prediction for sightings of Red-winged Blackbird across Spring 2017.

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project name

Git Analyzer and Presenter

Mobile-first web based application on M.E.A.N architecture aimed to search, analyze Git Repo and view git commits on-the-fly.

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project name

People Counter IoT Mobile App

IoT based iOS mobile app that helps manage and streamline queues in queue areas. It was built as part of AT&T Mobile App Hackathon 2016.

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project name

Fraudulent behavior Analyzer Mobile App for Elderly

An iOS app developed in a Team addressing "Financial Caregiving" and "Fraud & Security" challenge for the Elderly that flagged fraudulent behavior in financial transactions and notified the consumers of the application.

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project name

Pantomath for Insurance Agents

A hybrid iOS app developed in NYL Hackathon 2016 that served as a crowdsourced searchable content library for NYL Insurance agents

Also, I drove my Hackathon solutions forward, as a step towards potential implementation within the company with time, space, and funding provided as part of the weeklong NYL Catalyst Program in Ohio.

Information Retrieval Projects

Naive Bayes Classifier

A Naive Bayes classifier classified movie reviews as either positive or negative using Laplace, Dirichlet, Jelinek-Mercer smoothing techniques.

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Information Retrieval System

An Indexer, document retrieval for set of queries built using Okapi BM25 Model and Lucene on CACM corpus. It evaluated retrieval effectiveness using Information retrieval metrics.

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